Talk With Our Team
Next Steps: Connect with Our Team
We know that each of our residents requires a unique plan to fit their needs. Your next step is to fill out our form or call our team directly at 325.200.4904. Our team is available to speak with you about your loved one’s needs and help you create a plan unique to you.
Additional Resources
- The Hyde Law Firm Elder Law
- Medicare Healthcare Providers
- Medicare
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Centers for Medicare Services
- Assisted Living information from ALFA
- Caregiver Information from Medicare
- Healthcare Center Alternatives from Medicare
- Texas Health and Human Services Long-Term Care
- HHS Office of the Ombudsman
Customer Care Line
Our skilled care team continually seeks ways to improve the quality of care we offer our residents. As a resident or family member, please feel free to contact our customer care line at any time to express concerns, offer advice, or seek assistance with a problem you may have. Your call can be anonymous, and all concerns are reviewed by our customer care team and followed-up on.
Facility Admission Policy
It is the policy to admit and to treat all residents without regard to race, color, sex, national origin, handicap or age in compliance with the 45 CFR Parts 80, 84 and 91 respectively. The same requirements for admission are applied to all patients whose needs are reasonable for the facility to meet, and residents are assigned within this care center without regard to race, color, sex, national origin, handicap or age. Each resident must be admitted to the facility on the recommendation of a licensed physician. It is the policy of the facility not to retain a resident who required services beyond those for which the facility is licensed or has the functional ability to provide. This determination is made by the facility admissions committee. There is no distinction in the eligibility for, or in the manner of providing any resident service provided by the care center or by others in or outside of the care center. The services of this care center are available without distinction to all residents and visitors regardless of race, color, sex, national origin, handicap or age. All persons and organizations having occasion either to refer residents for admission or to recommend to the care center are advised to do so without regard to the resident's race, color, sex, national origin, handicap or age.